--- Implements a spacer widget -- -- @classmod yui.Spacer -- @copyright 2022, The DoubleFourteen Code Forge -- @author Lorenzo Cogotti, Andrea Pasquini -- --- Spacer widget insert a space between two widget. local BASE = (...):gsub('spacer$', '') local Widget = require(BASE..'widget') -- Spacers don't accept focus local Spacer = setmetatable({ nofocus = true, __call = function(cls, args) return cls.new(args) end }, Widget) Spacer.__index = Spacer --- Attributes accepted by the @{Spacer} widget @{yui.Widget.WidgetAttributes|attributes}. -- -- @param args @{yui.Widget.WidgetAttributes|Widgetattributes} widget attributes function Spacer.new(args) return setmetatable(args, Spacer) end return Spacer