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-- The ubiquitous "Hello, World!" demo.
-- 'nuff said.
-- Layout: Rows
-- Widgets: Label, Button
-- Relevant UI construction code in: love.load()
local yui = require 'lib.yui'
-- Some convenience aliases
local Ui = yui.Ui
local Rows = yui.Rows
local Button, Label = yui.Button, yui.Label
local function centerRectOnScreen(w, h)
local x = math.floor(( - w) / 2)
local y = math.floor(( - h) / 2)
return x, y
function love.load()
local W, H = 400, 80 -- pick arbitrary UI size
local x, y = centerRectOnScreen(W, H)
gui = Ui:new {
x = x, y = y,
Rows {
Label {
w = W, h = H,
text = "Hello, World!"
Button {
text = "OBEY",
onHit = function () love.event.quit() end
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
-- Pretty black out there, isn't it?
-- See more complete examples for shinier stuff :)