local BASE = (...)..'.' local endswith = require('lib.gear.strings').endswith local yui = require 'lib.yui' local Button = yui.Button local Rows = yui.Rows local Ui = yui.Ui local Examples = {} Examples.__index = Examples local function isexample(file) return file ~= 'init.lua' and endswith(file, '.lua') end local function loadexample(file) love.event.clear() for i in ipairs(love.handlers) do love.handlers[i] = nil end -- Restart to next example. require(BASE..file) if love.load then love.load() end end local W = 400 local RH = 32 local function makeSelectionMenu() local menu = Rows {} local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems('examples') table.sort(files) for _,file in ipairs(files) do if isexample(file) then local name = file:sub(1, -5) menu[#menu+1] = Button { w = W, h = RH, text = name, notranslate = true, onHit = function() loadexample(name) end } end end menu[#menu+1] = Button { w = W, h = RH, text = "Quit", onHit = function() love.event.quit() end } local x = math.floor(love.graphics.getWidth() - W) / 2 local y = math.floor(love.graphics.getHeight() - RH * #menu) / 2 return Ui.new { x = x, y = y, menu } end function love.load() gui = makeSelectionMenu() end function love.update(dt) gui:update(dt) end function love.draw() gui:draw() end return Examples