require 'busted.runner'() describe("df-utils", function() setup(function() utils = require 'init' math = require 'math' end) describe("insertion sort #sort", function() local insertionsort = utils.insertionsort it("sorts arrays", function() local elems = {} local expect = {} for n = 2,512 do for i = 1,n do elems[i] = math.random(-32768, 32767) expect[i] = elems[i] end table.sort(expect) insertionsort(elems) assert.are.same(expect, elems) end end) it("has no effect on single element array", function() for i = 1,10 do local val = (math.random() - 0.5) * 1024 local expect = { val } local elems = { val } insertionsort(elems) assert.are.same(expect, elems) end end) it("does nothing on empty array", function() local expect = {} local elems = {} insertionsort(elems) assert.are.same(expect, elems) end) end) describe("binary search #bsearch", function() local bsearchl = utils.bsearchl local bsearchr = utils.bsearchr it("behaves properly on empty arrays", function() local empty = {} local idx = bsearchr(empty, 1) assert.is_true(empty[idx] == nil) idx = bsearchl(empty, 1) assert.is_true(empty[idx] == nil) end) it("finds elements within sorted arrays", function() local dims = { 1, 2, 64, 512, 1024 } for _,n in ipairs(dims) do local elems = {} for i = 1,n do elems[#elems+1] = ((math.random() - 0.5) * 4096) end local mustfind = {} for i = 1,10 do mustfind[#mustfind+1] = elems[math.random(1,#elems)] end local mustnotfind = { 4097, -4097, -math.huge, math.huge, 16386, -16386 } table.sort(elems) for _,v in ipairs(mustfind) do local idx = bsearchl(elems, v) assert.equal(v, elems[idx]) assert.is_false(elems[idx+1] ~= nil and elems[idx+1] <= v) idx = bsearchr(elems, v) assert.equal(v, elems[idx]) assert.is_false(elems[idx+1] ~= nil and elems[idx+1] <= v) end for _,v in ipairs(mustnotfind) do local idx = bsearchl(elems, v) assert.not_equal(v, elems[idx]) if v < elems[1] then assert.is_true(elems[idx] == nil) else assert.is_true(elems[idx] <= v) end idx = bsearchr(elems, v) assert.not_equal(v, elems[idx]) if v > elems[#elems] then assert.is_true(elems[idx] == nil) else assert.is_true(elems[idx] >= v) end end end end) end) describe("rect #bounds", function() local bigreal = 9999999.0 local min,max = math.min, math.max local pointinrect = utils.pointinrect local rectempty = utils.rectempty local recteq = utils.recteq local rectexpand = utils.rectexpand local rectinside = utils.rectinside local rectintersection = utils.rectintersection local rectunion = utils.rectunion it("is empty if its dimensions are negative", function() assert.is_true(rectempty(0,0,-1,-1)) assert.is_true(rectempty(bigreal,bigreal,-bigreal,-bigreal)) assert.is_true(rectempty(-bigreal,-bigreal,-bigreal,-bigreal)) assert.is_true(rectempty(0,0,bigreal,-1)) assert.is_true(rectempty(0,0,0,-1)) assert.is_true(rectempty(0,0,-1,bigreal)) assert.is_true(rectempty(0,0,-1,0)) assert.is_false(rectempty(0,0,0,0)) assert.is_false(rectempty(0,0,-0,0)) assert.is_false(rectempty(bigreal,bigreal,bigreal,bigreal)) end) it("doesn't contain anything if empty", function() local x,y,w,h = 0,0,-1,-1 assert.is_false(rectinside(0,0,0,0, x,y,w,h)) assert.is_false(rectinside(x,y,w,h, x,y,w,h)) assert.is_false(rectinside(0,0,bigreal,bigreal, x,y,w,h)) assert.is_false(rectinside(0,0,-bigreal,-bigreal, x,y,w,h)) end) it("always contains empty rect if non-empty", function() assert.is_true(rectinside(0,0,-1,-1, 0,0,0,0)) assert.is_true(rectinside(bigreal,bigreal,-bigreal,-bigreal, 0,0,0,0)) assert.is_true(rectinside(bigreal,bigreal,bigreal,-bigreal, 0,0,0,0)) assert.is_true(rectinside(bigreal,bigreal,-bigreal,bigreal, 0,0,0,0)) assert.is_true(rectinside(bigreal,bigreal,-1.0e-5,bigreal, 0,0,0,0)) end) it("may contain a single point", function() for i,pt in ipairs({{0,0}, {bigreal,bigreal}, {-bigreal,-bigreal}}) do local px,py = pt[1], pt[2] local x,y,w,h = 0,0,-1,-1 x,y,w,h = rectexpand(x,y,w,h, px,py) assert.is_false(rectempty(x,y,w,h)) assert.is_true(pointinrect(px,py, x,y,w,h)) assert.is_true(recteq(x,y,w,h, px,py,0,0)) end end) it("may expand arbitrarily to contain more points", function() local points = {} local xmin,ymin = math.huge, math.huge local xmax,ymax = -math.huge,-math.huge for i = 1,16535 do local x = (math.random() - 0.5) * 50 local y = (math.random() - 0.5) * 50 points[#points+1] = { x, y } xmin = min(xmin, x) ymin = min(ymin, y) xmax = max(xmax, x) ymax = max(ymax, y) end local x,y,w,h = 0,0,-1,-1 for i,pt in ipairs(points) do local px,py = pt[1], pt[2] x,y,w,h = rectexpand(x,y,w,h, px,py) assert.is_true(pointinrect(px,py, x,y,w,h)) end local ex,ey,ew,eh = xmin,ymin, xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin assert.is_false(rectempty(x,y,w,h)) assert.is_true(recteq(x,y,w,h, ex,ey,ew,eh, 0.1)) end) it("may expand arbitrarily to contain more rects", function() pending("to be tested...") end) it("may be used to enclose arbitrary geometry", function() pending("to be tested...") end) it("may be tested against other rects", function() pending("to be tested...") end) it("may be intersected with other rects", function() pending("to be tested...") end) end) end)