--- Brainless serialization library. -- -- Takes Lua tables and turns them into their string -- representation. Also takes a Lua table string representation -- and turns it back into its corresponding table. -- That is all. -- -- @copyright 2022 The DoubleFourteen Code Forge -- @author Lorenzo Cogotti local math = require 'math' local serialize = {} local dopack -- forward declare for mutual recursion local function isfinite(x) return x ~= math.huge and x ~= -math.huge and x == x end local function keys(k, i) local t = type(k) if t == 'boolean' then return k and "[true]" or "[false]" elseif t == 'string' then local f = ("%q"):format(k) if k:find(" ") or f ~= '"'..k..'"' then return "["..f.."]" else return k end elseif t == 'number' then if not isfinite(k) then error("Can't serialize.pack() table with non-finite key `"..k.."'.") end return "["..k.."]" elseif t == 'table' then return "["..dopack(k, i+1).."]" else error("Can't serialize.pack() table with key `"..tostring(k).."'.") end end local function vals(v, i) local t = type(v) if t == 'boolean' then return v and 'true' or 'false' elseif t == 'string' then return ("%q"):format(v) elseif t == 'number' then if not isfinite(v) then error("Can't serialize.pack() table with non-finite value `"..v.."'.") end return tostring(v) elseif t == 'table' then return dopack(v, i+1) else error("Can't serialize.pack() table with value `"..tostring(v).."'.") end end -- local function dopack(o, i, mode) local fields = {} local seen = {} local is = (" "):rep(i) local lastis = (" "):rep(i-1) -- Attempt to encode as array. for k,v in ipairs(o) do if mode == 'skip-functions' and type(v) == 'function' then goto skip end fields[#fields + 1] = ("%s%s"):format(is, vals(v, i)) ::skip:: seen[k] = true end -- Process leftover fields. for k,v in pairs(o) do if seen[k] or (mode == 'skip-functions' and type(v) == 'function') then goto skip end local f = ("%s%s = %s"):format(is, keys(k, i), vals(v, i)) fields[#fields + 1] = f ::skip:: end return "{\n"..table.concat(fields, ",\n").."\n"..lastis.."}" end --- Construct string recreating a Lua table. -- -- @param o (table) a Lua table. -- @param indent (number|nil) optional initial indent. -- @param mode (string|nil) one of two modes: 'strict' (default), where -- attempt to serialize a function is an error, or -- 'skip-functions', where functions are ignored. -- -- @return string recreating the table, use serialize.unpack() to do so. function serialize.pack(o, indent, mode) if type(o) ~= 'table' then error("Can't serialize.pack() a `"..type(o).."'.") end return dopack(o, indent or 1, mode) end --- Reconstruct Lua table from string. -- -- @param s (string) Lua table in its string form. -- @param chunk (string|nil) optional string providing a chunk's name -- for better diagnostics, if left nil a default value -- of "" is used. -- -- @return the reconstructed table and an error string, on success -- the error value is nil, on failure the table is nil. function serialize.unpack(s, chunk) if type(s) ~= 'string' then error("Can only serialize.unpack() strings.") end chunk = chunk or "" local fun, res = load("return "..s, chunk, 't', {}) if not fun then return nil, res end local ok, o = pcall(fun) if not ok then return nil, o -- o is now pcall()'s error message end if type(o) ~= 'table' then return nil, "[string \""..chunk.."\"] resulted in a `"..type(o).."'." end return o end return serialize