--- title: Contacts menu_title: "The DoubleFourteen Contacts" mobile_menu_title: "1414° Contacts" get_in_touch: true date: 2022-03-10T11:40:51+02:00 --- The DoubleFourteen Code Forge is always looking for motivated people, projects and ideas! # Discuss your project - Contact us to get your digital solution: {{< mail >}} info@doublefourteen.io {{< /mail >}} # Get involved The DoubleFourteen Code Forge initiative promotes digitalization and independent research. - Join `#doublefourteen` on IRC at Libera.Chat. - Check Code Forge's updates, news, and memes on Twitter @1414codeforge. - Discuss our code on the official Git Repository. - Fork us on GitHub. ----- We would love to know if our code is being useful to you ♥