--- title: "The Micro BGP Suite has been released!" mobile_menu_title: "µbgpsuite now released!" date: 2021-06-15 description: "The DoubleFourteen Code Forge is happy to announce that ubgpsuite - The Micro BGP Suite - has been released: bgpgrep and lonetix are now available!" series: [ "ubgpsuite - The Micro BGP Suite" ] categories: [ "news", "development" ] tags: [ "ubgpsuite", "bgpgrep", "lonetix", "bgpscanner", "C Language", "Networking", "BGP" ] news_keywords: [ "ubgpsuite", "bgpgrep", "lonetix", "bgpscanner" ] --- ## The Micro BGP Suite is now available I am thrilled to announce that the very first version of the DoubleFourteen inaugural project, the Micro BGP suite (*µbgpsuite* for short -- or *ubgpsuite* for differently Greek keyboards ☺), is now available! Source code for this project is available at: [https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite](https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite) The Micro BGP Suite is an evolution over *bgpscanner*, originally developed under the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Italian National Research Council, see the forever unknown [HISTORY](https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite/src/branch/master/doc/HISTORY.md) file included with the project documentation for more obscurities about this project. The Micro BGP suite includes: - [lonetix](https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite/src/branch/master/lonetix), a performance oriented static library for BGP and MRT data encoding/decoding written in C. I'd like to send a special thanks to my friend [Vernal Liu](https://covernal.github.io) for coming up with a name for this library (though, it originally meant *Lorenzo's Network library on Posix*), and for his saint-like patience in listening to my ramblings all the time. - [bgpgrep](https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite/src/branch/master/tools/bgpgrep), the very first utility using *lonetix*, an advanced replacement for *bgpscanner*, an utility capable of lightning fast MRT dump decoding and filtering. This utility is documented in its glorious `man` [page](https://git.doublefourteen.io/bgp/ubgpsuite/src/branch/master/tools/bgpgrep/bgpgrep.1.in). `bgpgrep` is the first utility taking advantage of `lonetix`, but more tools are underway to demonstrate the capabilities of its API. > **Hint** -- for a convenient PDF version of the manual page, you can run: > ```sh > $ sed s/@UTILITY@/bgpgrep/g tools/bgpgrep/bgpgrep.1.in | groffer > ``` Stay tuned for more news on this project, as I'm currently working on an article describing the BGP filtering engine exposed by `lonetix`. Enjoy, and happy hacking, Lorenzo Cogotti