--- title: Home tags: - development - coding - hacking - free software - open source - high performance - research - computer science - non profit --- {{< flexrow style="justify-content:center;align-items:center" >}} {{% div class="headline" %}} The DoubleFourteen Code Forge is a community to produce and promote high quality free software. {{% div style="text-align:left" %}} We encourage strict cooperation between research and practical coding. - Conscious research → pragmatic results. - Conscious development → code quality. - Synergy in both worlds. {{% /div %}} {{% /div %}} {{% div style="align-self:flex-end" %}} See our manifesto {{% /div %}} {{< /flexrow >}} {{% div class="alt-background" %}} {{% div class="container cards-list" %}} {{% div title="Contribute" %}} The DoubleFourteen Code Forge is an open community. {{% div style="text-align:left" %}} - Always looking for new ideas and projects. - Contributors sharing our vision are welcome. - There are many ways to support us. {{% /div %}} {{% /div %}} {{% div title="Check out our projects" %}} Every DoubleFourteen project is free software, as in Freedom. Our source code repository is accessible at: [https://git.doublefourteen.io](https://git.doublefourteen.io/explore/repos). {{% div style="text-align:left" %}} - Contributions to our code is welcome. - Found a bug, got an improvement in mind? Let us know. - We would love to know if any of our projects is being useful to you. {{% /div %}} {{% /div %}} {{% /div %}} {{% /div %}}