{{ define "meta" }} {{ end }} {{ define "links" }} {{ $sassOptions := ( dict "outputStyle" "compressed" ) }} {{ $jsOptions := ( dict "target" "es2018" "minify" true ) }} {{ $notfoundCss := resources.Get "sass/notfound.sass" | toCSS $sassOptions | fingerprint }} {{ $particlesJs := resources.Get "js/lib/particles.js" | js.Build $jsOptions | fingerprint }} {{ end }} {{ define "main" }} {{ $jsOptions := ( dict "target" "es2018" "minify" true ) }} {{ $rainJs := resources.Get "js/rain.js" | js.Build $jsOptions | fingerprint }}

404 – Page not found

Sorry, we've tried very hard but we couldn't find what you were looking for.
Honest, if you don't believe us just look how sad our HTTP server is.

While we try to soothe our poor server,
you can head back home and try again.

{{ end }}