// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /** * \file bgpgrep_compile.c * * Filtering expression predicate compilation to VM bytecode. * * \copyright The DoubleFourteen Code Forge (C) All Rights Reserved * \author Lorenzo Cogotti */ #include "bgpgrep_local.h" #include "sys/con.h" #include "sys/endian.h" #include "sys/fs.h" #include "sys/sys.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "strlib.h" #include #include #include #define MAXCODE 8192 #define MAXLEAFLEN 8 // Expression types, in order of ascending precedence typedef enum { OP_NONE, // no operation OP_OR, // -or, -o OP_AND, // -and, -a (implicit when 2 consecutive expressions are found) OP_NOT, // -not, ! OP_LEAF // instruction block, leaf node } Expropc; typedef Uint16 Expridx; typedef struct { Expropc opc; union { // Expression node struct { Expridx l, r; // left-right subnodes } n; // Expression leaf struct { Uint8 nc; Bgpvmbytec c[MAXLEAFLEN]; } leaf; }; } Exprop; typedef struct { // Argument list int argc; int argidx; char **argv; char *curterm; Sint32 loopsFn; Sint32 peerMatchFn; Sint32 timestampCmpFn; Sint32 bogonAsnFn; Uint16 ncode; Boolean8 wasImplicitAnd; Exprop code[MAXCODE]; } BgpgrepC; static BgpgrepC C; static Expridx BgpgrepC_ParseExpression(void); // Forward decl static char *BgpgrepC_LastToken(void) { assert(C.argidx > 0); return C.argv[C.argidx - 1]; } static void BgpgrepC_UngetToken(void) { assert(C.argidx > 0 || C.wasImplicitAnd); if (C.wasImplicitAnd) C.wasImplicitAnd = FALSE; else C.argidx--; } static Boolean IsEndOfParse(void) { return C.argidx == C.argc && !C.wasImplicitAnd; } char *BgpgrepC_GetToken(void) { C.wasImplicitAnd = FALSE; return (C.argidx < C.argc) ? C.argv[C.argidx++] : NULL; } char *BgpgrepC_CurTerm(void) { return C.curterm; } char *BgpgrepC_ExpectAnyToken(void) { if (C.argidx >= C.argc) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Unexpected match expression end after '%s'", BgpgrepC_LastToken()); return C.argv[C.argidx++]; } char *BgpgrepC_ExpectToken(const char *what) { if (C.argidx >= C.argc) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Unexpected match expression end after '%s', while expecting '%s'", BgpgrepC_LastToken(), what); char *tok = C.argv[C.argidx++]; if (strcmp(tok, what) != 0) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Unexpected token '%s' while expecting '%s'", tok, what); return tok; } static Expridx PushOp(Expridx l, Expropc opc, Expridx r) { if (C.ncode >= MAXCODE) Bgpgrep_Fatal("At '%s': Expression operations limit reached, please simplify the input expression", BgpgrepC_LastToken()); Expridx idx = C.ncode++; Exprop *op = &C.code[idx]; op->opc = opc; op->n.l = l; op->n.r = r; return idx; } static Expridx PushLeaf(const Bgpvmbytec *c, size_t n) { assert(n <= MAXLEAFLEN); if (C.ncode >= MAXCODE) Bgpgrep_Fatal("At '%s': Expression operations limit reached, please simplify the input expression", BgpgrepC_LastToken()); Expridx idx = C.ncode++; Exprop *op = &C.code[idx]; op->opc = OP_LEAF; op->leaf.nc = n; memcpy(op->leaf.c, c, n * sizeof(*op->leaf.c)); return idx; } static BgpType ParseBgpType(void) { const char *tok = BgpgrepC_ExpectAnyToken(); if (Df_stricmp(tok, "OPEN") == 0) return BGP_OPEN; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "UPDATE") == 0) return BGP_UPDATE; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "KEEPALIVE") == 0) return BGP_KEEPALIVE; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "NOTIFICATION") == 0) return BGP_NOTIFICATION; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ROUTE_REFRESH") == 0) return BGP_ROUTE_REFRESH; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "CLOSE") == 0) return BGP_CLOSE; Bgpgrep_Fatal("-type: Unknown BGP message type: %s", tok); } static BgpAttrCode ParseBgpAttr(void) { const char *tok = BgpgrepC_ExpectAnyToken(); if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ORIGIN") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_ORIGIN; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AS_PATH") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AS_PATH; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "NEXT_HOP") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_NEXT_HOP; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "MULTI_EXIT_DISC") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_MULTI_EXIT_DISC; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "LOCAL_PREFI") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_LOCAL_PREF; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ATOMIC_AGGREGATE") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_ATOMIC_AGGREGATE; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AGGREGATOR") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AGGREGATOR; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "COMMUNITY") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_COMMUNITY; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ORIGINATOR_ID") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_ORIGINATOR_ID; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "CLUSTER_LIST") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_CLUSTER_LIST; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "DPA") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_DPA; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ADVERTISER") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_ADVERTISER; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "RCID_PATH_CLUSTER_ID") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_RCID_PATH_CLUSTER_ID; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "MP_REACH_NLRI") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_MP_REACH_NLRI; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "MP_UNREACH_NLRI") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_MP_UNREACH_NLRI; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "EXTENDED_COMMUNITY") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_EXTENDED_COMMUNITY; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AS4_PATH") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AS4_PATH; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AS4_AGGREGATOR") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AS4_AGGREGATOR; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "SAFI_SSA") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_SAFI_SSA; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "CONNECTOR") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_CONNECTOR; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AS_PATHLIMIT") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AS_PATHLIMIT; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "PMSI_TUNNEL") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_PMSI_TUNNEL; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "TUNNEL_ENCAPSULATION") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_TUNNEL_ENCAPSULATION; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "IPV6_ADDRESS_SPECIFIC_EXTENDED_COMMUNITY") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_IPV6_ADDRESS_SPECIFIC_EXTENDED_COMMUNITY; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "AIGP") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_AIGP; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "PE_DISTINGUISHER_LABELS") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_PE_DISTINGUISHER_LABELS; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "ENTROPY_LEVEL_CAPABILITY") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_ENTROPY_LEVEL_CAPABILITY; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "LS") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_LS; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "LARGE_COMMUNITY") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_LARGE_COMMUNITY; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "BGPSEC_PATH") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_BGPSEC_PATH; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "COMMUNITY_CONTAINER") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_COMMUNITY_CONTAINER; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "PREFIX_SID") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_PREFIX_SID; if (Df_stricmp(tok, "SET") == 0) return BGP_ATTR_SET; char *p; NumConvRet ret; unsigned code = Atou(tok, &p, /*base=*/0, &ret); if (ret != NCVENOERR || code > 0xff || *p != '\0') Bgpgrep_Fatal("-attr: Bad attribute '%s'", tok); return code; } static void AddPrefixListToTrie(Triepair *dest, const Pfxlist *list, NetpfxType type) { memset(dest, 0, sizeof(*dest)); for (const Pfxnode *n = list->head[type]; n; n = n->next[type]) { switch (n->pfx.afi) { case AFI_IP: if (!dest->v4) dest->v4 = BgpgrepC_NewTrie(AFI_IP); if (!Pat_Insert(&dest->v4->trie, PLAINPFX(&n->pfx))) Sys_OutOfMemory(); break; case AFI_IP6: if (!dest->v6) dest->v6 = BgpgrepC_NewTrie(AFI_IP6); if (!Pat_Insert(&dest->v6->trie, PLAINPFX(&n->pfx))) Sys_OutOfMemory(); break; default: UNREACHABLE; break; } } } static Expridx ParsePrefixOp(Bgpvmopc opc) { Pfxlist list; Bgpvmbytec c[MAXLEAFLEN]; size_t nc = 0; Triepair t; BgpgrepC_ParsePrefixList(&list); if (list.isEmpty) c[nc++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, 0); // empty list = always FAIL if (list.head[WITHDRAWN]) { AddPrefixListToTrie(&t, &list, WITHDRAWN); c[nc++] = t.v4 ? BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, t.v4->kidx) : BGP_VMOP_LOADN; c[nc++] = t.v6 ? BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, t.v6->kidx) : BGP_VMOP_LOADN; c[nc++] = BGP_VMOP(opc, BGP_VMOPA_ALL_WITHDRAWN); } if (list.head[ANNOUNCE]) { if (!list.areListsMatching) AddPrefixListToTrie(&t, &list, ANNOUNCE); if (list.head[WITHDRAWN]) c[nc++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_JNZ, 3); c[nc++] = t.v4 ? BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, t.v4->kidx) : BGP_VMOP_LOADN; c[nc++] = t.v6 ? BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, t.v6->kidx) : BGP_VMOP_LOADN; c[nc++] = BGP_VMOP(opc, BGP_VMOPA_ALL_NLRI); } Expridx idx = PushLeaf(c, nc); BgpgrepC_FreePrefixList(&list); return idx; } static Expridx GetTerm(void) { Bgpvmbytec c[MAXLEAFLEN]; size_t n = 0; C.curterm = BgpgrepC_ExpectAnyToken(); if (strcmp(C.curterm, "(") == 0) { Expridx e = BgpgrepC_ParseExpression(); BgpgrepC_ExpectToken(")"); return e; } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "!") == 0 || strcmp(C.curterm, "-not") == 0) { return PushOp(0, OP_NOT, GetTerm()); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-type") == 0) { BgpType type = ParseBgpType(); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CHKT, type); return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-attr") == 0) { BgpAttrCode code = ParseBgpAttr(); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CHKA, code); return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-aspath") == 0) { Sint32 kidx = BgpgrepC_BakeAsRegexp(); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, kidx); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP_ASMTCH; return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-peer") == 0) { Sint32 kidx = BgpgrepC_ParsePeerExpression(); if (kidx >= 0) { // Non-empty list, compile to a call c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, kidx); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CALL, C.peerMatchFn); } else { // Empty list, always fails c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, FALSE); } return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-loops") == 0) { c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CALL, C.loopsFn); return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-bogon-asn") == 0) { c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CALL, C.bogonAsnFn); return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-exact") == 0) { return ParsePrefixOp(BGP_VMOP_EXCT); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-supernet") == 0) { return ParsePrefixOp(BGP_VMOP_SUPN); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-subnet") == 0) { return ParsePrefixOp(BGP_VMOP_SUBN); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-related") == 0) { return ParsePrefixOp(BGP_VMOP_RELT); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-timestamp") == 0) { Sint32 kidx = BgpgrepC_ParseTimestampExpression(); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, kidx); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_CALL, C.timestampCmpFn); return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-communities") == 0) { Sint32 kidx = BgpgrepC_ParseCommunity(BGP_VMOPT_ASSUME_COMTCH); if (kidx >= 0) { // Non-empty list, emit COMTCH c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, kidx); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP_COMTCH; } else { // Empty community always fails c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, FALSE); } return PushLeaf(c, n); } else if (strcmp(C.curterm, "-all-communities") == 0) { Sint32 kidx = BgpgrepC_ParseCommunity(BGP_VMOPT_ASSUME_ACOMTC); if (kidx >= 0) { // Non-empt list, emit ACOMTC c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADK, kidx); c[n++] = BGP_VMOP_ACOMTC; } else { // Empty list always succeeds c[n++] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, TRUE); } return PushLeaf(c, n); } else { Bgpgrep_Fatal("Invalid expression term '%s'", C.curterm); return 0; } } static Expropc GetOp(void) { const char *tok = BgpgrepC_GetToken(); Expropc opc = OP_NONE; if (tok) { if (strcmp(tok, "-and") == 0 || strcmp(tok, "-a") == 0) { opc = OP_AND; } else if (strcmp(tok, "-or") == 0 || strcmp(tok, "-o") == 0) { opc = OP_OR; } else { // Implicitly assume AND with anything else that follows BgpgrepC_UngetToken(); // Closing ) appear due to expression grouping // e.g. ( -type ORIGIN -or -type AGGREGATOR ) // // In this case we should return OP_NONE to signal // expression end, propagating out of ParseExpression() if (strcmp(tok, ")") != 0) { C.wasImplicitAnd = TRUE; opc = OP_AND; } } } return opc; } static Expridx BgpgrepC_ParseExpressionRecurse(Expridx l, int prio) { while (TRUE) { Expropc opc = GetOp(); if (opc == OP_NONE) break; if ((int) opc < prio) { BgpgrepC_UngetToken(); break; } Expridx r = GetTerm(); while (TRUE) { Expropc nextOpc = GetOp(); if (nextOpc == OP_NONE) break; BgpgrepC_UngetToken(); if (nextOpc <= opc) break; r = BgpgrepC_ParseExpressionRecurse(r, nextOpc); } l = PushOp(l, opc, r); } return l; } static Expridx BgpgrepC_ParseExpression(void) { Expridx l = GetTerm(); return BgpgrepC_ParseExpressionRecurse(l, OP_NONE); } static Boolean IsNestedBlock(Expropc outer, Expropc inner) { assert(inner == OP_AND || inner == OP_OR); return outer != OP_NONE && inner != outer; } static Expropc BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(Expridx idx, Expropc opc) { Boolean nestedBlock; const Exprop *op = &C.code[idx]; switch (op->opc) { case OP_AND: nestedBlock = IsNestedBlock(opc, op->opc); if (nestedBlock) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_BLK); BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(op->n.l, op->opc); if (C.code[op->n.l].opc != OP_AND) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL); BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(op->n.r, op->opc); if (C.code[op->n.r].opc != OP_AND) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL); if (nestedBlock) { Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, TRUE)); Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_ENDBLK); } break; case OP_OR: nestedBlock = IsNestedBlock(opc, op->opc); if (nestedBlock) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_BLK); BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(op->n.l, op->opc); if (C.code[op->n.l].opc != OP_OR) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_CPASS); BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(op->n.r, op->opc); if (C.code[op->n.r].opc != OP_OR) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_CPASS); if (nestedBlock) { Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, FALSE)); Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_ENDBLK); } break; case OP_NOT: BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(op->n.r, OP_NOT); Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_NOT); break; case OP_LEAF: for (unsigned i = 0; i < op->leaf.nc; i++) Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, op->leaf.c[i]); break; default: UNREACHABLE; break; } return op->opc; } static void BgpgrepC_Compile(Expridx startIdx) { Expropc opc = BgpgrepC_CompileRecurse(startIdx, OP_NONE); // Compile the very last result switch (opc) { case OP_OR: Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, TRUE)); Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_CFAIL); break; case OP_AND: // Good as it is break; case OP_NOT: case OP_LEAF: Bgp_VmEmit(&S.vm, BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL); break; default: UNREACHABLE; break; } } static Boolean IsLoadNz(Bgpvmbytec bytec) { switch (BGP_VMOPC(bytec)) { case BGP_VMOP_LOAD: case BGP_VMOP_LOADU: return BGP_VMOPARG(bytec) != 0; default: return FALSE; } } static Boolean IsLoadZ(Bgpvmbytec bytec) { switch (BGP_VMOPC(bytec)) { case BGP_VMOP_LOAD: case BGP_VMOP_LOADU: return BGP_VMOPARG(bytec) == 0; default: return FALSE; } } static void BgpgrepC_Optimize(void) { Uint32 i, j, n; // Perform trivial peephole optimization Uint32 wi[4]; Bgpvmbytec w[4]; Boolean changed; i = 0; while (i <= S.vm.progLen) { // NOTE: Take END into account if (S.vm.prog[i] == BGP_VMOP_NOP) { // Skip initial NOPs i++; continue; } changed = FALSE; // Fill peephole window for (j = 0, n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(w); j++) { if (i + j > S.vm.progLen) // NOTE: Take END into account break; if (S.vm.prog[i+j] == BGP_VMOP_NOP) continue; // do not place any NOP inside window wi[n] = i+j; w[n] = S.vm.prog[i+j]; n++; } // Trivial redundant operation elimination for (j = 1; j < n; j++) { // 2-instruction checks // NOT-NOT = NOP if (w[j] == BGP_VMOP_NOT && w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_NOT) { w[j-1] = w[j] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; changed = TRUE; continue; } // LOADU 0-NOT = LOADU 1 if (IsLoadZ(w[j-1]) && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_NOT) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, 1); changed = TRUE; continue; } // LOADU 1-NOT = LOADU 0 if (IsLoadNz(w[j-1]) && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_NOT) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, 0); changed = TRUE; continue; } // NOT-CFAIL = ORFAIL if (w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_NOT && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_CFAIL) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL; changed = TRUE; continue; } // NOT-CPASS = ORPASS if (w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_NOT && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_CPASS) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP_ORPASS; changed = TRUE; continue; } // NOT-ORFAIL = CFAIL if (w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_NOT && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP_CFAIL; changed = TRUE; continue; } // NOT-ORPASS = CPASS if (w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_NOT && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_ORPASS) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j] = BGP_VMOP_CPASS; changed = TRUE; continue; } // [NON-BREAKING,NON-ENDING]-END = NOP-END if (!BGP_ISVMOPBREAKING(w[j-1]) && !BGP_ISVMOPENDING(w[j-1]) && w[j] == BGP_VMOP_END) { w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; changed = TRUE; continue; } } for (j = 3; j < n; j++) { // 4-instruction checks // CPASS-LOADU(T)-CFAIL- = ORFAIL-LOADU(T)- // Leftover by OR chains if (w[j-3] == BGP_VMOP_CPASS && IsLoadNz(w[j-2]) && w[j-1] == BGP_VMOP_CFAIL && BGP_ISVMOPENDING(w[j])) { w[j-3] = BGP_VMOP_NOP; w[j-2] = BGP_VMOP_ORFAIL; w[j-1] = BGP_VMOP(BGP_VMOP_LOADU, TRUE); changed = TRUE; continue; } } if (changed) { // Update VM bytecode for (j = 0; j < n; j++) S.vm.prog[wi[j]] = w[j]; continue; // another round of peephole optimization } // No optimization, slide window i++; } // Eliminate NOPs for (i = 0, j = 0; i <= S.vm.progLen; i++) { if (S.vm.prog[i] != BGP_VMOP_NOP) S.vm.prog[j++] = S.vm.prog[i]; } S.vm.progLen = j-1; assert(S.vm.prog[S.vm.progLen] == BGP_VMOP_END); } Trielist *BgpgrepC_NewTrie(Afi afi) { Trielist *t = (Trielist *) malloc(sizeof(*t)); if (!t) Sys_OutOfMemory(); memset(&t->trie, 0, sizeof(t->trie)); t->trie.afi = afi; t->kidx = BGP_VMSETKA(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewk(&S.vm), &t->trie); if (t->kidx == -1) Bgpgrep_Fatal("BGP filter variables limit hit"); t->next = S.trieList; S.trieList = t; return t; } void Bgpgrep_CompileVmProgram(int argc, char **argv) { // Initial compiler setup C.argc = argc; C.argidx = 0; C.argv = argv; C.ncode = 0; C.wasImplicitAnd = FALSE; C.loopsFn = BGP_VMSETFN(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewFn(&S.vm), BgpgrepF_FindAsLoops); C.peerMatchFn = BGP_VMSETFN(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewFn(&S.vm), BgpgrepF_PeerAddrMatch); C.timestampCmpFn = BGP_VMSETFN(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewFn(&S.vm), BgpgrepF_TimestampCompare); C.bogonAsnFn = BGP_VMSETFN(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewFn(&S.vm), BgpgrepF_BogonAsn); assert(C.loopsFn >= 0); assert(C.peerMatchFn >= 0); assert(C.timestampCmpFn >= 0); assert(C.bogonAsnFn >= 0); // Actual compilation if (C.argc > 0) { Expridx r = BgpgrepC_ParseExpression(); // Make sure we've consumed the whole expression if (!IsEndOfParse()) { const char *last = BgpgrepC_LastToken(); const char *tok = BgpgrepC_GetToken(); if (tok) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Unexpected '%s' after '%s'", tok, last); else Bgpgrep_Fatal("Unexpected match expression end after '%s'", last); } // Convert to bytecode BgpgrepC_Compile(r); BgpgrepC_Optimize(); } else { // Trivial filter S.isTrivialFilter = TRUE; } if (S.dumpBytecode) Bgp_VmDumpProgram(&S.vm, STM_CONHN(STDERR), Stm_ConOps); }